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Please join us for Sunday Service at 10:00 am, lesson by Rev. Gordon Keyler, music with Todd Lowry and the Unity SoulShine Band, Brian Griesmeyer and Sharon Eldridge, joined by special vocalist, Becca Grant! 

Hello Unity Family


Last Sunday, Michael introduced us to the concept of a metaphysical Advent, inviting us to experience this sacred season in a deeper way. This Sunday, we continue our metaphysical Advent journey—a season rich with spiritual meaning and personal awakening.


Although Advent wasn’t established as a formal Christian tradition until the mid-19th century, it has become a profound time of expectation and preparation for the birth of the Christ, both historically and spiritually.


In Unity, Advent represents more than a historical remembrance; it symbolizes an awakening to the Christ Light that resides within each of us. It is a journey inward, an unfolding process that moves from an awareness of the indwelling Christ (as explored in Michael's message last week) to the practice of Faith, the experience of Joy, and finally, the radiant expression of Love as the Christ energy becomes fully manifest in our consciousness. This sacred journey culminates in our Christmas Eve Candle-Lighting service at 7:00 PM, where we celebrate the fullness of this divine light.


As we prepare to honor the birth of Christ, let us remember that Advent is not solely about a historical event. It is an invitation to embrace the birth of the Christ Light within—a light that grows brighter with every act of faith, joy, and love. Robert Browning expressed it beautifully in Paracelsus:


"Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise

from outward things, whate’er you may believe.

There is an inmost center in us all,

where truth abides in fullness; …and to know,

rather consists in opening out a way

whence imprisoned splendor may escape,

than in effecting entry for a light

supposed to be without.”


This season of Light is a reminder that the Christ Light already shines within you, waiting for you to turn inward and let it radiate outward into the world.


Wishing you a joyful and light-filled Christmas season,
