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Please join us for Sunday Service at 10:00 am in person and on FaceBook Live. Lesson by Rev. Gordon Keyler, Part 2 of "A Fresh Start" series, music with Todd Lowry and the Unity SoulShine Band, Brian Griesmeyer and Bill Brooks, soloist.

This Sunday’s Special Music

Bill Brooks


And don’t forget, you will have the opportunity to have a deeper interpersonal exploration of these topics on Sunday evenings at SoulShare, 6:30 pm.  This will be a chance to share and learn from one another how to use the lessons offered on Sunday mornings.  



As we enter this New Year at Unity, I invite you to attend a new Spiritual experience beginning Sunday January 12 at 6:30pm. You have read and heard hints about SoulShare, as the new year has dawned, it is time to reveal just what SoulShare is!

SoulShare is an opportunity to take a deep dive into the metaphysics of the Sunday lesson. Modeled after the original Unity Sunday experience presented by the Fillmore’s and similar to a Buddhist Satsang, we will gather together informally and explore Unity metaphysics through:

          A deeper teaching of the Sunday topic.


          Questions and answers from all participants.

This will be an interactive experience, with everyone having the opportunity to share their ideas and understandings and learn from one another.

Come as you are and leave inspired, uplifted, and grounded in the truth of who you are. All are welcome!

Wishing you an Abundant New Year!
